Info on Database Administration, CISCO Networking, Windows Microsoft word, excel, PowerPoint and ICT

Wednesday, 20 January 2016


Oracle database is relational database with markup and extensive language (xml). Data is stored in two dimensional tables consisting of rows and columns. oracle database enables you to store, update and efficiently retrieve it with high degree of performance and reliability. In case you are wondering why I chose to write on oracle database. This is one the many reasons why Database administration is best with oracle database. If you have not read my post, you can take a glance here. I chose it also because its where I specialize.

These elements/components make up the oracle database

THE ORACLE SOFTWARE - This software is what you install on your host computer to enable you run day to day database administrative task. I will still give you a guide on how to install oracle database. so keep in touch.

DATABASE  which is a collection of physical files on one or more disks. Database consist of data, metadata (collection of information on disk that permits oracle software to manage user data)

THE ORACLE INSTANCE  is a set of memory structures and background processes that manage the database. Its consists of oracle main memory structure called system global area (SGA).
The background processes which are the operating system that performs the work of storing, accessing monitoring and retrieving data, metadata and control files associated with the database.

SERVER PROCESSES  This acts on behalf of connected users and applications, the memory and temporary storage used by these processes. Server processes parse and executes SQL statements, retrieves and returns result to users.


 As an oracle database administrator, here are the tasks you are going to tackle.

INSTALL ORACLE SOFTWARE AND TOOLS.  This involves installing the software on your host computer which are going to learn on later posts. Creation of database which by default will be created for you during installing unless you opted otherwise. Then you can later create the database using Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). 

MANAGE DATABASE USERS.  Here you create users accounts. (Giving the database access to users). Granting and revoking roles and privileges to the users to control users access to the database. 

MANAGE STORAGE STRUCTURES.  You will be charge with the task of creating data files that will go into table spaces. You can also choose to shrink the data files.

MANAGE DATABASE OBJECTS.  Like I said earlier that oracle database is a relational database that stores data in two dimensional tables. This task involves creation of tables, indexes, tablespaces, procedures, triggers, constraints and the rest which i will discus later in details in order not to confuse you this early stage.

MONITORING AND TUNING DATABASE PERFORMANCE. Here you have to monitor the state of database, take preventive and corrective measures. 

SECURITY. applying restrictions and necessary security measures to avoid hacking and unwanted access to database.

EXPORTING AND IMPORTING DATA. Users migrating their data from one database to another

BACK UP AND RECOVERY. This is a very critical task. You stand the risk of loosing the whole database if crashing occurs unless its back up.


 ORACLE UNIVERSAL INSTALLER. (OUI)  is a utility that installs oracle software and options. it can automatically. start oracle database configuration assistant to install a database. 

ORACLE DATABASE CONFIGURATION ASSISTANT.  This creates database from template provided by oracle. you can equally create your own. It enables you to loop a preconfigured seed database thus saving the time and effort to generating a new one.

DATABASE UPGRADE ASSISTANT.  This tool guides you to upgrade your existing database to a new oracle database release.

NET CONFIGURATION ASSISTANT.  This utility helps to configures listener and naming methods which are critical components of the oracle database network.

ORACLE ENTERPRISE MANAGER . This is a primary product fir managing a database. its a web-based interface.


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